Dear valued guest, our top priority is the safety of our customers and team members. In light of the current uncertainty surrounding the outbreak of COVID-19, we are taking all necessary steps to follow World Health Organization guidelines, and are committed to ensuring that all health and hygiene standards are followed.

  1. Everyone is required to wear gloves and a mask in the workshop.
  2. All products undergo extensive cleaning before shipping.
  3. Upon receipt of a return, each product will be disinfected by in-house staff.
  4. Excluding overseas travel, unnecessary domestic travel, and corporate gatherings.
  5. Self-isolation is required for anyone who has traveled to a high-risk country specified by the CDC. To provide the best possible experience as we continue to celebrate meaningful moments in our current environment, we operate with vigilance, compassion and care to help us get through these difficult times together.
As always, thank you for being such a loyal customer. Take care of yourself and your family safe! We are with you. With love--- the Fennysun team.